Tuesday 26 August 2014

A Weekend Away In Devon

When I was younger I used to always go to Devon, so when my friend asked me if I wanted to join her and her family I jumped at the chance. It was a lovely holiday and was definitely short but sweet. Her family had rented out a cottage with it's own pool which I was very happy about! On the first 2 days we all settled in, going in the pool and exploring the garden which was so beautiful. We played badminton and Ella and I were doing rallies and ended up getting a score of 103! Well, that's what we're going to tell people. (Cough 28 or something cough).

Sunday was my favourite day. We went to Agatha Christie's house, which was sadly under construction so the beautiful architecture wasn't truly visible in all it's glory, and to Dartmouth. At Agatha Christie's house the scenery was picturesque and I could imagine her sitting on her front lawn bathing in the sun. I had my first ever scone at the cafe and I can't believe I've never had one before, it was delicious. Being the first time I had had a scone, for some reason I created it to be a sandwich, staring at it thinking how is this going to fit into my mouth?! Until Lucy stated bemused 'That's not how you eat it!' At least I learnt my lesson... 

On Monday we went to the beach and I had another first - I flew a kite, which wasn't as fun as I thought it would be. I have now realised that standing, reeling in a kite is never going to be one of my hobbies. The beach was so windy and I think we all got sand in our eyes... and our sandwiches! Despite the wind it was a lovely day, we played games on the beach such as bulldog and racing. We also buried Ella's cousin in the sand and my jeans ended up being covered in sand. I have always wanted to bury someone in the sand, so another one of the bucket list! 

When we got back from the beach, Ella and I had to rush in and grab our suitcases as it was time to go home. It felt as if our holiday had just started so we were emotional leaving and the holiday blues hit us straight away. It was such a nice weekend and I felt part of the family.


  1. These pictures are so lovely and you both look so nice. Great post and keep up the good work.

